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Price includes card prossessing fee. .05%

Remaining Balance due at pic up.


These are 5 frame deep honey bee nucleous colonies.

What does that mean?

The Coloney includes 1 laying Queen, workers, brood, and capped stored feed honey. The genetics are mostly Carniolen, Russian. The queens are free mated for diviersified genetics. These bees come from overwintered stock.


The nuc box itself is either cardbord of corrigated plastic.

It is recomended to also get a mesh laundry bag for safe vehicle transport. You dont want the bees getting out when you drive them home. Mesh laundry bags can be ordered via this site.


By placing the order you accept that All Sales are final. Refund will only be issued if Avalon Apiaries is unable to fufill the order.

$92.50 50 % Deposit 5 Frame Deep Honey Bee Nucleus Colony + Card Processing Fee

$97.13 Regular Price
$87.13Sale Price
Excluding Sales Tax
  • Purchaser Pick Up Only.

    Buyer undestands that they need to make arangments for pic up. Pick up will be done either at my location in Ferndale WA, or at any of the drop off sites listed on the main page. The buyer needs to provide approprate contat info so that the drop off or pick up is as seamless as posible. 

    ie: Name, Cell Phone Email, Home Adress, designated pick up location.

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