Pre-Order Huckleberry Vaccinium ovatum Rooted Potted Plants in a variety of sizes.
Shipping calculated once the order is packed up. Separate invoice will be sent.
These are domestic varieties that do well at lower elevations but are quite well adapted for high elevations as well. They tend to hold foliage all year long.
Avialable Sizes:
Large single plant in 1 gal. pots or as a batch of 10 plants in 1 gal pots available for preorder.
3/4 pint description is a typo. Please Disregard. My web designer is working on it.
Large volumes are available for special orders and wholesale pricing can be negotiated.
Minimum numbers will apply.
Huckleberry Plants 1 Gal Pots (only size option Currently $25)
You will be contacted via email after your order to arrange pickup.I will have set locations and times where group pickup spots will be. I will be making at least 2-3 trips per month to each of the locations listed with the dates announced a week in advance.